Economics at Mercer

Economics has always ranked among the highest paid majors in the country. For example, PayScale Salary Survey ranks Economics as the 15th highest paid major out of 129 different majors. The same publication ranks Economics as #1 and the highest paid major among business disciplines (see Also, the Hamilton Project study found that “…of the best-paid graduates in all fields, economics majors rake in the most.”
Additionally, an academic background in economics can also serve as a springboard for successful graduate studies. A recent study in the Journal of Economic Education analyzed law school exam entrance scores of students by undergraduate major and found that economics majors earned the highest average score. Studying economics certainly appears to provide fruitful preparation for law school hopefuls. Graduate studies in economics can also lead to advanced employment opportunities in industry and government as well as teaching and research careers in academics.
At Mercer, majors in economics take advantage of the multiple activities of the Center for the Study of Economics and Liberty obtaining research grants, attending lectures by guest speakers, becoming teaching assistants for the K-12 program, participating in colloquia with guest and business leaders, participating of movie nights, etc.
There has really never been a better time to major in Economics at Mercer!
Contact any of our Faculty if you want to learn more.
From the Catalog
The Economics Department develops in students both a theoretical and practical understanding of the social science of economics. The program is rich in practical content, application and student-faculty interaction. Students successfully completing our program should be well prepared for graduate studies, policy-oriented research, consulting activities, and/or other non-academic employment across a multitude of industries.
Students seeking a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in economics through the School of Business and Economics will be required to successfully complete the general education and business core curricula of SSBE including MAT 191 and ECN 353. Beyond this, a total of 15 credit hours are required to complete a major in economics. Specifically, students pursuing a major in economics will be required to successfully complete the following courses:
1. Intermediate Microeconomics
(ECN 302)
2. Intermediate Macroeconomics
(ECN 303)
3. Calculus I
(MAT 191)
4. Econometrics
(ECN 353)
5. Three additional ECN courses numbered 300 or higher. Each of these courses must be at least three credit hours in duration. Courses should be selected in consultation with the student’s academic adviser. To see what ECN courses are available visit the Catalog.
A minor in economics for students pursuing the Bachelor of Business Administration degree consists of a total of 15 credit hours. All students are eligible to pursue a minor in economics. Specifically, students pursuing a minor in economics will be required to complete the following courses:
1. Principles of Microeconomics
(ECN 150)
2. Principles of Macroeconomics
(ECN 151)
3. Elementary Statistics
(STA 126)
4. Three additional ECN courses numbered 300 or higher. Each of these courses must be at least 3 credit hours in duration. Courses should be selected in consultation with the student’s academic adviser.
Courses used for a student’s major may not be used toward this minor. This double-counting prohibition will not preclude a student from earning one of these minors under circumstances where his/her major requires that s/he broaden him/herself by taking a depth area, a minor, or professional-area electives over and above the courses required for his/her major.
Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in economics through the School of Business and Economics will be required to successfully complete the general education requirements of the College of Liberal Arts (see specific requirements in the CLA section of this catalog). Beyond this, a total of 34 semester credit hours are required to complete a major in economics. Specifically, students pursuing a major in economics will be required to successfully complete the following courses:
1. Choose one course from: (Either may be exempted by achieving a specific score on the Math Index or Math Placement Test.)
College Algebra: Functions and Graphs OR
(MAT 131)
(MAT 133)
2. One option from:
Calculus for the Social Sciences OR
(MAT 141)
Calculus I
(MAT 191)
3. One course from:
Introductory Statistics OR
(STA 126)
Probability and Mathematical Statistics
(MAT 320)
4. Introductory Financial Accounting
(ACC 204)
5. Principles of Macroeconomics
(ECN 151)
6. Principles of Microeconomics
(ECN 150)
7. Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
(ECN 302)
8. Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
(ECN 303)
9. Econometrics
(ECN 353)
10. Three additional ECN courses selected with the approval of the department chair. At least one must be at the 300 level or above.
Students may take no more than 45 semester hours within the Department.
Majors may attain Departmental Honors by attaining a grade point average of 3.75 or higher in all courses taken in the major. Transfer students must attain a 3.75 or higher grade point average on all courses taken at Mercer in the major and a combined grade point average of 3.75 or higher on all courses taken in the major at Mercer and at other institutions.
Students who earn at least 15 hours in economics and maintain an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 and a grade point average in all economics courses taken of at least 3.0 will be eligible for admission to Omicron Delta Epsilon, an internationally recognized honor society in economics.